Camille Bauer AC/DC Current transformer with transmitter functionality United Kingdom
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The SIRAX BT7000 / BT7050 and SIRAX BT7100 / BT7150 series are current transformers with integrated transmitter functionality for monitoring single-phase AC or DC applications. The current measurement is done galvanically separated from the measured line. The large number of measured variables, the maximum current of up to 300 AAC or 400 ADC allow a versatile use of the devices.
Break-resistant plastic housing made of PBT
Flame retardant and self extinguishing according to UL94-V0
Current sensing by Hall effect; range: 300 AAC / 400 ADC
Galvanic separation from the measuring circuit
Configuration by means of configuration software
Serial RS485 Modbus/RTU output and analogue 0…10 V or 4…20 mA output
DIN rail or wall mounting for vertical or horizontal position