Camille Bauer SINEAX® U554 _ United Kingdom
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Transducer for converting sinusoidal or distorted AC voltage into an output signal proportional to the measured value. Depending on the design, the part of the measuring range of interest can be stretched at the beginning or end (different characteristics). The part that is not or less interesting is suppressed.
Measuring method: logarithmic measuring method
Measurement input: sinusoidal or distorted alternating voltage, TRMS measurement Input voltage: 0.. 20 to 0.. 690 V
Measurement output: unipolar and live-zero output quantities from 0.. 1.0 to 0.. 20 mA or live-zero from 0.2.. 1 to 4.. 20 mA, or from 0.. 1 to 0.. 10 V or live-zero from 0.2.. 1 to 2.. 10 V
Characteristics as expanded voltage scale or expanded primary value scale at the lower or upper range
Power supply: AC auxiliary power, or integrated AC-DC power pack with large tolerance range
Housing for top-hat rail mounting