Camille Bauer KINAX® 2W2 United Kingdom
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Transmitter with contactless, capacitive scanning system for detecting the angular position of a shaft. A load-independent DC signal of 4…20 mA proportional to the measured value is available at the measuring output.
Patented contact free capacitive sensor system
Measuring range, direction of rotation, characteristic, switching point and other additional functions programmed using PC / Simplifies project planning and engineering, short delivery times, low stocks
Measuring range of angle of rotation: 0…10 to 0…50 or 0…50 to 0…350°
Measuring output (output/powering circuit) in two-wire connection (4…20 mA signal)
Very low torque ( 0.001 Ncm, with 2 mm shaft)
Advantage: The shaft can be rotated practically without any reaction effects and is therefore not a «load» on the connected devices.
Compact size, only 48 mm diameter
Advantage: it can be installed anywhere (OEM)
Type of protection “Intrinsically safe” Ex ia IIC T6 / Can be mounted within the hazardous area