Camille Bauer KINAX® WT707 United Kingdom
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Transmitter with contactless, capacitive scanning system for detecting the angular position of a shaft. An impressed DC signal proportional to the measured value is available at the measurement output. Due to its robust design, it is preferably used in large-scale mechanical engineering and shipbuilding.
atented contactless capacitive system / wear-free
Analog measuring method, practically infinite resolution
Angle of rotation measuring range: 0.. 5 to 0.. 270° without gearbox 0.. 10° through 0.. 1600 revolutions with gearbox
Measurement output: 0.. 1 to 0/4.. 20 mA 2, 3 or 4-wire connection
Available with “intrinsically safe” explosion protection per Ex ia IIC T6, can be used in explosive atmospheres
Measuring span adjustment with potentiometer / optimized adaptation to desired measuring ranges
Output quantity characteristics: linear or as a characteristic V curve
Drive shaft can be infinitely rotated: no damage occurs even if the upper limit value of the measuring range is exceeded.
Surface mounting device in rugged housing: vibration and shock resistant, suitable for use in machinery manufacturing and shipbuilding
With maritime execution (formely GL, Germanischer Lloyd) available