Camille Bauer KINAX® WT717 United Kingdom
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Transmitter with contactless, capacitive scanning system for detecting the angular position of a shaft. A DC signal of 4..20mA, which is proportional to the measured value, is available at the measuring output. Due to its robust design, it is preferably used in large machinery and shipbuilding, in transport vehicle construction and in the chemical industry.
Patented contactless capacitive system, wear-free
Measuring range, direction of rotation, characteristics, output changeover and other functions can be programmed via PC: facilitates planning and project work, short lead times, minimal inventory
Angle of rotation measuring range: 0°…10° to 0°…50° or 0°…50° to 0°…350°
With gearbox 0…20° to 0…1555 revolutions
Measurement output (measuring/supply circuit) utilizes 2-wire connection (4 to 20 mA signal)
Simulation of measured value allows to test subsequent control circuits, control loops or measuring circuits during installation
Display of present measurands and graphical representation on screen for longer time periods
Adjustment of mechanical position and fine adjustment of the analog output, zero point and span may be set independently
Programmable output characteristics: linear, V-characteristic or freely selectable linearization curve
Shaft can be turned through full, no damage occurs even if the upper limit value of the measuring range is exceeded
Serial interface
Permissible static load on the shaft: max. 1000 N (radial), max. 500 N (axial)
Surface mounting device in rugged housing (IP67): vibration and shock resistant